Säviä Copper Project
This project contains the Säviä massive sulphide deposit located 60km south of the Pyhäsalmi mine.
It is flanked by 2 smaller deposits (Paloniemi en Leväniemi) along an ore horizon that extends in north-south direction over more than 10km. GTK designated it as one of the most prospective exploration target areas for VMS in the Pyhäsalmi region, based on integration of 30 sets of geodata.
The Säviä deposit contains copper-rich ore overlying a stockwork feeder zone. The central part is massive, which in turn is capped by a layered series of zinc-rich ore.
Main features of the Säviä deposit are:
- Proximal deposit on top of feeder zone crosscutting footwall of chlorite altered felsic volcanics
- Overlying massive sulphide body with breccia ore at the base with chalcopyrite and cubanite enrichment with up to 7,7%Cu
- Occasional gold concentrations up to 15g/tAu -Zinc enriched towards the top with silica-rich layers and baryte
- Orebody is in steeply overturned vertical position, outlined by 62 drillholes , measuring:
750m along strike, up to 40m wide and 550m in depth - Copper-rich massive sulphide remains open in depth
The deposit is estimated to contain 5Mt (Laitakari 1968). Studies by Outokumpu yielded 1,8Mt for the copper enriched part with an average grade of 1,53%Cu, 13 g/tAg and 0,2 g/tAu.