Management of Akkerman Finland Oy believes it may have identified the centre of a new massive sulphide deposit at its Kangasjärvi Project, 30km south of the renowned Pyhäsalmi mine. This optimism stems from a major, unexplained EM conductor directly north of the known Kangasjärvi zinc deposit (300,000t @ 5,4%Zn), mined by Outokumpu in 1984-85. The circular-shaped EM anomaly has a diameter of 500m and starts at a depth of 100m. The strong geophysical response is likely to be caused by a centre of volcanogenic mineralization, possibly including a stockwork feeder zone overlain by a lens of copper-rich, massive sulphide.
Detailed analyses and integration of available exploration data have led to the insight that the known Kangasjärvi zinc deposit could represent the tail of a much larger mineralized system (see plan and section below). Also, the extensive hydrothermal alteration zone mapped around Kangasjärvi over several kilometres, points to the possible presence of a significant VMS system comparable to the Pyhäsalmi deposit (62 Mt).
Previous exploration drilling around the old Kangasjärvi open pit focussed on potential ore extensions at depth and along strike to the south and east. The search was complicated by intense local deformation and faulting. This may be one of the reasons why the area of the newly-found EM anomaly north of the mine across a major fault was only studied superficially.
Key ingredients leading to the current exploration breakthrough after three years of work are: 1. the innovative deep-penetrating, helicopter EM survey by SkyTEM from Denmark. 2. detailed, drone-based magnetic study by Radai from Finland. 3. thorough analyses of previous studies and re-examination of drillcore.
Akkerman Finland Oy is currently preparing a plan and budget to drill this promising new target. Timing is dependant on availability of drilling equipment and funding.
Akkerman Finland Oy is a Finnish based subsidiary company owned by Akkerman Exploration B.V. from the Netherlands and Avrupa Minerals Inc., a public listed company from Canada. If you are interested to support us and participate in this possible new copper discovery in Finland, then please feel free to contact us.
Akkerman Exploration B.V. , Jan H. Akkerman, Torenweg 7, Odoorn, 7873BP, The Netherlands, mobile +31 6 538 01762